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49 results:

Shipments of accessions from MSB

Crop Institute Unique accessions Total species Alfalfa SARDI, Australia 348 24 Apple USDA, United States of America 43 5 Bambara groundnut IITA, Nigeria 16 1 Banana International Musa Germplasm…


Why alfalfa? Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is an important and broadly adapted forage crop that is planted for hay, pasture and silage in more than 80 countries on 30-35 million hectares. However,…

Pre-bred, CWR-derived materials

Pre-bred, CWR-derived materials Crop CWR-derived material (ILs/crosses) conserved in genebanks Genebank details Alfalfa 40 Australian Pastures Genebank (Australia) Barley 24 ICARDA…

Project Distribution Data

Crop Wild Relative Global Atlas (Distribution Data Map) Considering that the CWR Project made extensive progress toward collecting and conserving the identified priority CWR over its decade-long…

Man in Barley field.

Databases About Crop Wild Relatives

The Crop Wild Relatives (CWR) Project generated enormous amounts of data about the wild relatives collected, conserved, evaluated and pre-bred. It developed a number of databases and information…

Woman cataloging data about crops.

Project Blogs

View all Crop Wild Relatives related news on the Crop Trust website Go to the Crop Trust website

Thiago Mendes in potato field.

CWR in the News

2021 March Les chroniques du végétal Blog: Wild genes for wild climates 2020 December CIP: Research on sweet potato’s wild relatives reveals options for dealing with…

ICRISAT’s Dr. Damaris Odeny

Collecting Guides

If you had to collect seeds from a particular species within a particular country, how would you know exactly where to go? How would you distinguish the species you were targeting from its close…



Collecting In Numbers 25 countries worldwide 47  collecting partnerships with institutions 4,500+ seed samples collected and conserved Pre-breeding and Evaluation In…


Why sweetpotato? The sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] is one of the world’s principal root and tuber crops. It is the world’s seventh most important food crop, with more than 133 million…

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